
Persians require a much higher level of care compared to other breeds, below are things you will need to do so you have an idea of what is required. They should be provided ONLY filtered/ boiled water while in summers; they need cold drinking water (not chilled), you can use ice according to the requirement if there is a need (we provide them Reverse Osmosis filtered water). This will help in their health and coat quality/ issues. Persian is a cold climate breed so they need to be kept cool in summers otherwise, they will fall sick eventually. A fan is not enough to cool them with their thick coats, air conditioning is best. They are OK at around 24-25 degrees temperature. Never let your cat outdoors under any condition, this is strictly an indoor animal. They are easily stolen as they are people friendly while secondly, they can get ticks which with their thick coats, you will not notice until it becomes an infestation that could give rise to health issues in your house while also causing severe distress to the animal In winters, DO NOT let them sit on the bare floor, etc because they can get phenomena, carpet is best If you have a carpeted house, only a vacuum will do the job to remove hair fall. Their living area carpet will have to be vacuumed daily or 1-2 days.

Brushing daily is a must, takes 5 minutes only!

De-worming every 3 months is necessary; you can get de-worming powder or liquid from your vet and give it yourself orally. Always bath your cat with a medicated ticks and flea shampoo you can get from a vet. Vaccinations is necessary, kittens require a high number of vaccinations (4-7) while adults cats needs one vaccination a year. Please consult only a certified Vet for proper details. We advise using clumping litter (non clumping is better for very small kittens) as there is no smell and it clumps into a ball use, easily scooped and thrown. It is a little more expensive but worth it, advisable is keeping the litter in the bathroom at some corner so there is ventilation from the exhaust and privacy for the cat

One tablespoon of good quality honey once a week administered by a syringe (without the needle) will clear their system. Excess honey will cause a lose motion at most but do not exceed the requirement and do not get worried if they throw up as it means the honey is doing its job! Aside from its other benefits, it will remove hairballs stuck in their stomachs, etc

A kitten should get at least 2.5 to 03 months of their mothers milk in order for their immune systems and health to properly develop while completing the socialization process. Socialization is also very necessary for a kitten as this is where they learn from their parents and other siblings. Parents teach the right, wrong, litter, etc while playing with siblings allows them to get the proper exercise which cannot be given otherwise and it also serves to develop a healthy temperament for latter life

Do not purchase a kitten unless it has spent at least 2.5 to 3 months with its mother. There are considerable money mongers out there who will tell you different only for their financial gain so do your own research if you are not satisfied with our information. Only in case of it being abandoned or orphaned consider taking one before this time. Kittens can start eating solids at one month so do not be fooled by this, most of the time, solid food before this time leads to internal bleeding and can cause long term damage to their digestive system.

Our kittens are only sold after 03 months of age with the mother getting considerably extra full cream milk aside from her regular diet of pure milk & meat.

The above is not to scare but is intended to help people who already have or looking to buy, if you want to have a healthy family member pet, it sounds like a lot but is not as once you get into the routine, you will not even feel it, it’s not as much care as it sounds, only just a little costlier. A healthy Persian cat lives for 10 + years with the female having two litters a year averaging 4-6 kittens while pure breeds start to re-produce after one year of age.

Method no 01 : Caring for Your Cat’s Coat


(01)  Start brushing your cat’s fur at an young age. To make sure that your Persian accepts being brushed a lot, you will have to start brushing her at an early age. From day one, make a point of brushing your kitten so that she gets used to this experience. If you don't start brushing her at an early age, she may develop a dislike for being brushed that can ultimately make it much harder to maintain her coat. One way to help your cat accept being brushed is to brush her right before a mealtime. That way, your cat will associate getting brushed with getting food (which is something that she enjoys).


(02) Get a great comb that works well on Persian fur. You will need a metal comb that has narrow teeth on one end and wide-spaced teeth on the other end to properly entangle your cat’s long fur. A metal slicker-type brush can also be good for removing excess fur that has a tendency to become tangled.


(03) Learn the proper way to brush your Persian’s fur. One common mistake owners is brushing over the outer surface of the coat without getting down to the hair roots. Think of brushing your cat in terms of combing your own hair : you need to part the fur and comb knots out from the roots, working tangles free on your way to the hair tip. This mentality can also be applied to your cat. As with your own hair, it is most effective (and comfortable for the cat!) if you brush in the direction that the fur grows. The proper combing process involves.... Parting your hair and using the wide-spaced teeth on the comb to brush out any loose knots. This step also helps to get the fur lying in one direction, making it easier to detangle. Using the slicker brush, work in sections and progress from head to tail. This will help to brush out loose hairs. Once you have cleared the coat of shed fur, go over it again with the wide-toothed comb, working from the root to the tip of the hair, and then finish by combing your cat’s whole body with the narrow-toothed part of the comb.


(04) Brush your cat’s fur every day so that she stays healthy. While it might not seem like brushing fur is that big of a deal, a Persian’s luxuriously long fur can become a problem really quickly. When your cat’s fur gets tangled, it becomes matted. These tangled up clumps of fur can tug at your cat’s skin which can feel very unpleasant and may tangle to such an extent that it creates a hard shell of fur on certain areas of her body. Having tangled fur can also increase your cat's chances of developing skin infections. When the fur is matted, it is much harder for your cat to clean the skin under the fur. When cat's skin goes uncleaned, they often develop infections.

Method no 02 : Helping Your Cat with Breathing Issues


(01) Understand the term brachycephalic. Persians are brachycephalic, which is a term that means their nose and nasal chambers are fore shortened when compared to normal cats. It is part of the breed description of pedigree Persians that in profile the nose ‘button’ does not protrude past the level of the eyes. Sadly, this means the cat has sacrificed a system of mucous membrane lined scrolls within the nasal chamber that filter and warm air. This predisposes Persians to sneezes and sniffles, because they lack the normal filter that is the first line of defence against infection.


(02) Keep your cat’s nose clean. The best way to help your cat fight off respiratory infections is by keeping her nose clean. Making sure your cat's nose is clean is very important because your Persian’s shortened nose can become blocked easily, making it difficult for your cat to breathe. You can use a warm, wet cloth to wipe your cat’s nose and make sure that it is cleaned out. Wipe your cat’s nose at least once a day, and always wipe it if it looks slightly blocked.


(03) Get your cat vaccinated regularly. Persians are prone to respiratory infections because they do not have as much protection against pathogens due to their stubby noses. Cat's normally have an extra defensive layer in their noses that help keep bacteria and other pathogens out, but Persians lack this extra defence. Because of this, its important to take your cat to the vet to get regular booster vaccinations against cat flu. If you notice your cat having a hard time breathing or sneezing uncontrollably, you should take her to the vet.

Method no 03 : Caring for Your Cat’s Eyes


(01) Be aware that Persian’s can have eye problems because of how their faces are structured. Part of the appeal of Persians is their round, flat faces and large eyes. Sadly, the features that make them so attractive can also cause problems. All cats produce tear fluid that serves to keep the surface of the eye moist and their corneas healthy. This fluid should drain away via paired tear ducts in each eye. Sadly, your Persian’s truncated nose means these ducts are kinked and can no longer drain effectively. Think of it like a hosepipe that you bend or step on to stop the water from flowing. This is what happens because of your cat’s shortened nose.


(02) Wipe away your cat’s excess tears. The best way to help you cat is to simply wipe away the excess tears that have a tendency to stain Persian fur and irritate their faces. If you notice that your cat has excess eye fluid on her face, use a cloth or paper towel to wipe up the excess fluid. Wipe your cat’s eyes at least once a day. You should really try to wipe it anytime you notice that it looks wet under her eyes.


(03) Understand why Persian cat eye fluid turns brown. You may be wondering why the fluid that leaks out of your cat's eyes turn brown. The reason is that chemicals called porphyrins are found in the tear fluid and when the chemicals are exposed to the air, these porphyrins oxidize and turn a brown-rust colour. This is the same process that causes a cut apple to turn brown.

Method no 04 : Dealing with Persian related Health Conditions


(01) Be alert for any signs of illness. While Persians have been bred for their unique looks, this same breeding has also led them to become predisposed to certain diseases. While there is nothing you can do to prevent your cat from getting the disease is she is genetically prone, you can watch for signs of these diseases and have your cat treated as soon as she develops the condition.


(02) Watch out for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). This genetic fault affects one in three Persian cats and results in the formation of multiple fluid-filled cysts within the kidney that can lead to renal disease. Once the problem i identified your pet’s lifespan can be extended by prescription renal diets and medications such as ACE inhibitors which can aid the filtering capacity of the kidneys.Symptoms include: Drinking more than normal. Reduced appetite. Lethargy. Weight loss. Vomiting. If you recognise these signs in your pet then take her to a veterinarian.


(03) Look for symptoms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (heart disease). This disease causes the heart wall to become thickened which then impairs the heart’s ability to pump blood around the body. Luckily, there are drugs such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors that can decrease the workload on the heart and increase longevity. Signs that your pet is has heart disease as vague and non-specific. However, you can look out for things like: Exercise intolerance. Sleeping more than normal. Lack of interest in food or grooming herself. Shallow breathing and breathing through an open mouth.


(04) Pay attention to signs of Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). PRA is a genetically programmed thinning of the retina that eventually leads to blindness. Whilst it sounds distressing, cats are actually very good at compensating for blindness. They are adept at using their whiskers, sense of smell, and hearing to move around. If your cat does go blind, it is generally best to keep her indoors and avoid rearranging the furniture, as she could become disoriented.[6] Signs of blindness include: Bumping into objects left in her path that are not normally there. Pupils that cease forming slits in bright light, and will remain large and black.

Interested individuals can contact at the following CELL NUMBER 03152020714 for any further information or an expression of interest otherwise, we hope the information provided was helpful.

CONTACT US 03152020714